If you have ever needed a large list of random numbers for the purposes of testing or some other scripting need - then you will have done what I just did and searched for a random number generator. I found a few websites but none of them did exactly what I needed, and one that did limited me to only 1000 numbers. So I've written my own number generator right here.
You can generate numbers of varying lengths and of varying amounts. You can access this in 2 ways. Use the random number generator right on this page to generate up to 10,000 numbers - or download the script and install in your own website to generate up to millions of numbers depending on what settings you choose.
This script also has a prefix feature which means you can add anything in front of each number if you want to generate Social Security Numbers, Phone Numbers, ID Numbers or other numbers with a specified prefix. For custom variations of this script please contact me using the contact form.
If you want to use the script for your own use, please download it here, compress it, and upload to your own website. Please render a backlink as a return favor to this website.
Viernes, Augosto 17, 2012